Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in our free drug and alcohol rehab referral program in Toronto. Please fill out this information form completely and to the best of your ability so that we may better address your individual drug or alcohol rehab needs.

All information collected is held in the strictest of confidence.

Toronto Drug Rehabilitation will assist you in locating a qualified and professional drug or alcohol rehabilitation facility to help you or a loved one achieve complete rehabilitation. One of our Rehab Placement Specialists will call you back at your convenience.

Your Phone:
Your Email:
Best Time To Call You:
Addicts Name:
Your Relationship to Addict:
His/Her Drug(s) of Choice:
Is the addict currently on or have they ever been on any prescribed medication of a mood altering or Narcotic nature?
Has the addict ever received treatment for their addiction?
If yes, what kind of treatment? Did they complete the treatment?
Has the addict ever received any treatment by a Psychiatrist, Psychologist or been Diagnosed with a mental illness?
Other specific health requirements which could affect recovery or treatment:
Additional Information: